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I have been jokingly called the "Building Whisperer", I can visualize a building's grey matter energy. A colleague once said "I know if I let you into any building for 2 hours, you can tell me exactly what needs to be done." when compared to an expensive energy audit.
Energy consulting has been my passion for almost 15 years. I learned "engineer-ese" and applied my business experiences to engineer's energy conservation concepts and found a sweet spot. I moved to Nova Scotia in 2021 for an easier lifestyle and found living without natural gas a double edged sword.
I found a niche as a go-to person skilled at applying energy conservation to a business model, as well as smelling a bad deal or shady "energy saving" companies. I look forward to helping customers avoid these hustlers and feel more comfortable in their homes and businesses maximizing their profits without emptying their bank accounts.
Reach out for a conversation about how I have helped customers change how they use energy. You don't know how bad it is until you check.
The energy we use every day, in our home, business and with each other. It's the stuff we don't realize we use, or forget we use.
That's Grey Matter Energy!
Over 25 years in the hospitality sector from line level to executive level
Over 15 years in the energy consulting sector, running a niche consultancy until the public utilities put me out of business, so I went to work for them for almost 10 years.
Never funded or paid to promote products.
Recommendations and solutions are technologies that are widely available and thoroughly vetted in Canada and suitable for Nova Scotia's climate.
Any fees earned are disclosed, full transparency.
Education not found in higher education is the key to success in life and business.
Experience and exposure leads to intelligence and application.
Grey Matter Energy business acumen has been built with a realist view developed through skilled leadership and balanced management of people and places.
Experience is accepting every decision usually leads to unforeseen collateral benefits or damages. It's reading the road, respecting the sea and knowing when to harness the wind.
Connect the dots, ask why, and then ask what next.
There are some great tools to manage energy costs but without computer skills, out of reach for many. It's the little efforts that can lead to big changes that make a real difference to reducing consumption, costs and emissions.
As Nova Scotians age, technology can help ease many burdens including keeping monthly costs in check. The Residential Support Program is designed with the computer lacking or computer illiterate in mind and priced to fit into a short term budget to ensure the savings are realized quickly. Click below for more information.
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